Inventive Ways To Keep Your Tweets to Tweet Character Limits

It could be considered an art form to consolidate your characters on Twitter, or it could be considered madness. Whether you’ve been using Twitter for years, or you’ve just begun Tweeting yesterday, once you start to use the 280 character restriction as a creative limitation, it will become much easier when crafting the perfect Tweet. […]

How Technology Companies Can Best Leverage Outsourced Marketing?

Getting started with outsourced marketing for technology companies is a practice I continue to endorse heavily. Illustrating how it is best done involves understanding the overall business practices (both personal and professional) that outsourced marketing can help with. The best technology organizations have a great combination of personalities—not just big decision-makers and talkers, but also […]

Things to Look Out for When Outsourcing Marketing

The plates are spinning! You’re juggling all the balls furiously! It’s all balanced perfectly, precariously until…crash! For most startups, handling everything in-house is either difficult or flat-out impossible. You’re stretched thin in terms of manpower and budget, and while you may feel like a Jack or Jill of all trades some days, you can’t be […]

To Hire Or Outsource?

Every year companies go to hell and back to answer this highly debatable — and often debilitating — question. You’ll find that many businesses claim to hire their own internal marketing team operating under the assumption that updates happen faster, output is more streamlined, and a greater sense of reliability when you have an in-house […]

Building Presentations in Canva

Picture this. You’re meeting with potential clients to pitch your business. You stride into the meeting with confidence, smile, then pull up your nifty PowerPoint presentation onto the screen. As you shuffle your cue cards, you prepare your mouse to click away. The slide transitions and tired color palettes aren’t fooling anyone; you’ve just done […]

The 3 C’s of Sales & Marketing copy

While it takes a while to get used to, email outreach is a fantastic way to connect with customers who perhaps didn’t even know that they were looking for a service. That doesn’t mean you won’t catch a few people on a bad day. Sometimes with cold outreach, you won’t like what they have to […]

Influence of Emotion on B2B Buying

When you think of emotion and buying, what comes to mind? Impulse-buying? Parking your brain in the garage when you pull out your pocketbook? Making purchases based on the way you’re feeling on a particular day? None of that seems very smart, or business-savvy. What if I told you there is a difference between emotion […]

The 3 C’s Of Copywriting

If your client wanted to read a postmodern masterpiece, they probably wouldn’t be on your website. They’d be chasing Moby Dick with Captain Ahab or pitching a sequel to Inception where it all took place inside a dog’s leg-kicking dream. A picture might be worth a thousand words, but when it comes to communicating your […]

How To Get More Likes On Instagram

How to get more likes on Instagram?- You shouldn’t have to buy love—not in your personal life and not online. In the past year, Instagram has changed how likes are displayed at a glance, first by removing a count and, more recently, allowing users to opt-in. Invisible or not, it doesn’t change how important it is […]

What Makes Video Marketing So Powerful

Video is an incredibly powerful tool to incorporate into your marketing strategy. A quick Google search will pull up thousands of hits on how to make video content for your business, but what, exactly, makes video marketing so powerful? There are dozens of reasons to add videos to your business game plan, but let’s explore […]