How To Get More Likes On Instagram

How to get more likes on Instagram?- You shouldn’t have to buy love—not in your personal life and not online. In the past year, Instagram has changed how likes are displayed at a glance, first by removing a count and, more recently, allowing users to opt-in. Invisible or not, it doesn’t change how important it is […]

How to Develop an Actionable Marketing Framework

When an architect designs a building, is she more concerned with the “why” of the building, or the what and the how? Think of develop an actionable marketing framework as the blueprint to your overall marketing strategy. It’s a template that spells out the exact steps you need to put in place to execute your […]

How to Run a Great Demo

Running a great demo is like throwing a memorable Oscars party. It’s both an art and a science; nail it, and you walk away a winner of the party planning Hall of Fame. Throw a lame party, and no one will be accepting next year’s invite or asking you to host ever again. Sales demos […]

The Benefits of Outsourcing Key Startup Functions

What are the benefits of outsourcing key startup functions?- You have a great business idea and you’re primed to turn it into a real business. Great! Do you have the design skills to build your brand? Are you equipped to manage the complex finances of a startup? If your answer to some (or all) of […]

How to Create an Ideal Customer Profile

How to Design a Client Profile From Surveying Your Current Customers If you’re not sure what your ideal customer looks like, don’t worry—you’re not alone. Many businesses struggle to define their target market, while others risk being so narrow in scope that they miss out on potential revenue streams because they don’t have an open […]

20 B2B Technology Marketing Tips

When it comes to business-to-business technology (also known as B2B technology), your marketing goal should be to target big businesses as your clients, not everyday consumers. In some ways, your marketing goals will remain the same: You still intend to showcase your product and use social media as a platform to promote it (or perhaps […]

7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Industry Jargon

One of the best ways to connect with your ideal clients is by using industry jargon they will recognize. The easiest way to build trust with them is to prove that you understand their industry and that you can speak their language. Not only that but using industry jargon to show that you know what […]

B2B Technology Sales Tips | B2B Sales

You’re not setting up a roadside lemonade stand for your B2B business, even if it might be more fun most weeks. For B2B sales, your task is much more demanding than connecting thirst with a cold glass and calling it a day—your job involves bridging the gap between need and want, priority and budget, people […]

5 Things Your Tech Startup Should Outsource to Maximize Success

If you are building a tech startup from the ground up, first things first, let me congratulate you on your ambition and courage! After 15 years in this space, I know that it’s tempting to start doing everything yourself. For one thing, the budget is usually tight, and it can seem at first glance like […]

Keys to Supercharge Your LinkedIn

If you’re reading this on your phone, there’s a good chance you have at least one “useless” app. Something free, maybe something that acts a shelf-hanging level or lets you add mustaches to your selfies. It was free, after all! Why not give it a try? Now, what if I told you that there was […]