Must Have Chrome Extensions for Sales & Marketing
Chrome Extensions are superpowers for your written documents. They can help with everything from improving how effectively you prospect, how precisely you understand your targets and search terms, and even optimizing your documents for more compelling writing. (oooh, compelling—excellent suggestion, computer!) I’ve compiled a few of the most useful free chrome extensions to superpower your […]
How To Write Creative, Engaging SEO Content that Ranks
We are the SEO generation! And the golden key to unlocking the secrets to any content marketing strategy is great SEO content. Compelling content not only improves your visibility in search engines, but it also helps in building your brand. The truth is that any content can be SEO content, but not all content is […]
How to Write a One-Pager
If you love your business intent through every qualifying call, cold email, landing page, business card, bathroom stall scribble, psychotic break, and onboarding meeting then we have good news for you! How does one more sound? Not so bad, we hope. It is tempting to want to dump everything you have at a potential client’s […]
The 3 C’s of Sales & Marketing copy
While it takes a while to get used to, email outreach is a fantastic way to connect with customers who perhaps didn’t even know that they were looking for a service. That doesn’t mean you won’t catch a few people on a bad day. Sometimes with cold outreach, you won’t like what they have to […]
The 3 C’s Of Copywriting
If your client wanted to read a postmodern masterpiece, they probably wouldn’t be on your website. They’d be chasing Moby Dick with Captain Ahab or pitching a sequel to Inception where it all took place inside a dog’s leg-kicking dream. A picture might be worth a thousand words, but when it comes to communicating your […]
How to Become a Better Writer
In Dublin, 1906, a tall, gaunt, brooding man by the name of Samuel Beckett was brought into the world. A boy with “little talent for happiness”, he often spent entire days trapped in bed and depressed. He moved to Paris in 1928 and struck up a lifelong friendship with the now-famous experimental writer James Joyce. […]
My Copywriting Hidden Secrets
Avoiding Grammatical Errors and Writing For Your Target Audience Copywriting, sadly, has no one-fit solution. If I texted my friends to meet up for a barbecue by opening with “esteemed companions,” I might give off the idea we’re supposed to show up in powdered wigs and cummerbunds. Likewise, opening a cold email to a B2B organization with […]