How to Find a B2B SEO Agency
It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there for B2B businesses! Success in your market space is all about standing out and wrestling the attention of prospective clients away from the competition. This is the heart of your marketing strategy and any experienced marketing agency will put this at the forefront of their plan. However, there is […]
Reference For Proper Graphics Sizes—Social Media Posts & Stories
Content is one of the most time-consuming parts of running an effective marketing campaign. In fact, the need to keep up with content demands has given rise to an entire industry of outsourcing, freelancing, and even AI-backed automation. Regardless, the golden ratio should be 50/50—with half of your time dedicated to existing clients and projects […]
TikTok and Instagram Story Specifications
Do you find you’ve been having a hard time keeping up with the ever-changing and evolving ‘best practices’ of social media? If you’re a brand looking for a leg up to engage with your customers, or an influencer wanting to reach a broader audience, or even just someone who enjoys posting to social media about […]
Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn Advertising Specifications
If you’re trying to run a successful business in 2021, then you should be actively trying to create relevant and engaging social media ad campaigns. And that, my friends, is easier said than done. You see, Meta and Microsoft like to make each platform as unique as possible, and that means that what works on […]
What Is An SDR?
No, it’s not just Big Business Card looking to make an extra buck in inventing new business classifications—an SDR plays a dynamic and essential role in the ecosystems of many modern sales teams. A Sales Development Representative has been a role that was once niche in small tech companies. Their prime task is to locate […]
The Best Pricing Models For SaaS Companies
It’s a delicate balance, not unlike a tightrope walk in a fancy circus. On the one hand, you don’t want to scare clients away with ridiculously high prices or poorly-framed pricing packages for your product; on the other hand, you don’t want to be giving away your hard work (born of blood, sweat and tears) […]
How To Write Creative, Engaging SEO Content that Ranks
We are the SEO generation! And the golden key to unlocking the secrets to any content marketing strategy is great SEO content. Compelling content not only improves your visibility in search engines, but it also helps in building your brand. The truth is that any content can be SEO content, but not all content is […]
Getting Started With Google Analytics
A website will be an enormous dedication of both resources and time for your team. As such, it’s natural that you want to see the results of those efforts reflected in tasty, tasty data and analytics. To help you make the most of your data, Google launched their analytics platform in 2005, but a new […]
How to Write a One-Pager
If you love your business intent through every qualifying call, cold email, landing page, business card, bathroom stall scribble, psychotic break, and onboarding meeting then we have good news for you! How does one more sound? Not so bad, we hope. It is tempting to want to dump everything you have at a potential client’s […]
How are B2B and B2C sales different?
First things first…let’s sort out the letters, shall we? B2B stands for “Business to Business” and B2C is shorthand for “Business to Consumer”. In other words, a B2B company is selling products or services meant for other businesses to use, whilst a B2C business is aiming to sell directly to individuals. B2B and B2C have […]