What sets Santa Claus apart isn’t his production facility—I mean, have you seen how many Oreos you can make in a day?
No, what sets Santa Claus apart is his ability to connect with families everywhere. Kids want presents, and like magic, he knows just the right one.
In that way, Santa Claus is an expert in SEO—aggregating customer desires efficiently so that he may better share his commodities. Yes, this train of thought is about to take a hard left turn into business town. Buckle up.
When it comes to building your enterprise, you should be like Santa. Here is my list of why enterprise companies need SEO—and before you ask, yes, I checked it twice.
Any Clicks Are Good Clicks
Proper SEO has the ability to capture consumers at any step of the sales journey. Outside of the direct scope of your conversion, this could include research before or after purchase. It’s estimated that 81% of shoppers research their products online before they consider purchasing, and even more continue to expand their knowledge once they have acquired the product or service.
By ensuring your SEO is up to snuff, you can capture these buyers who may start their journey with another product or service before migrating to yours. With more clicks and better-informed content (which captures SEO more effectively,) you build credibility and a network of more engaged users. Once you have established trust, conversion is a much easier process.
SEO Is A Scalable, Cost-Effective Solution
Unlike putting posters up all over the walls of your city, good SEO won’t cost you a dime. So long as you are patient with a long-term strategy and continue to build and improve a wealth of helpful content on your web page, your page rank will grow. You can always outsource your writing and marketing efforts to capture more SEO through blog posts or service pages. Still, many business owners choose to write content personally to better capture their experience in the field and that keywords match the organic language users search in.
With solid content, you could be linked to from other blogs and sites, increasing your rank even further. Simply put, keep going, and you’ll keep growing.
Improving SEO Goes Hand In Hand With Improved User Experience
Google is smart. Eerily smart at times. Through a series of impressive “neural” structures, the search engine breaks down firstly what users are searching for and secondly the best sites and information sources that provide that information.
These “snippets” could mean everything from a YouTube video section to a short bullet point list deep in an obscure blog. Through intelligent systems, Google has made traversing the second and third pages of search results almost unheard of.
If you’ve made it to the first page, it’s not just because your SEO is on point—it means that your site content and layout are user-friendly and a shining example of connecting consumers with what they are looking for, whether it be information or a product.
Having a strong SEO plan means leveraging one of the most intelligent networks on the planet to inform you of the effectiveness of your client experience. If you’re getting more clicks, good! It means you are on the right track. Are you seeing more results in one area than you used to? Perhaps it’s time for a pivot! Consider that a free consultation from the most significant mind in SEO—Google itself.
Looking for somewhere to start? This list of Top Enterprise SEO Companies & Services features some of my picks for companies that can get you front-page-worthy.
Understanding where, when, and how extensively to implement your marketing projects is my expertise. In building one aspect of your brand, you build all others by extension. Like strong SEO and website experience, it is all connected, and it takes big picture thinking to implement the most effective pivots.
Contact me to learn more and to begin your next marketing strategy.